Title of the présentation:
Deciding How Conservative a Designer Should Be: Simulating Future Tests and Redesign
Raphael Haftka is a Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida. Before coming to the University of Florida in 1995, he taught at
Israel Institute of Technology, Illinois institute of Technology, and Virginia Tech.
His areas of research include structural and multidisciplinary optimization, design under uncertainty, and surrogate based global optimization. In the last decade, his research has focused on the contribution of element structural tests to reducing uncertainty and improve safety. He is a fellow of the AIAA, and a recipient of the AIAA MDO award and the AIAA/ASC
James H. Starnes award. He was president of the International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 1995-1999, and chaired their world congress last May. He has directed more than 50 PhD students, has written papers with more than 130 colleagues (not including students) form 15 countries, and has more than 16,000 Google Scholar citations.
Title of the présentation:
Mechanical Engineer from the University of La Plata
Associate Degree in Social Sciences with Special Reference to Education,
Images and the Media; Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Argentina
Full professor in Drawing for Engineers, University of La Plata, Faculty of Engineering
Director of the UIDET GIGA (R&D Group of Applied Engineering Graphics) at La Plata University
Member of the Technological Drawing Comitee of IRAM, the Argentine Standards Association
Member of EGRAFIA, the Argentine Technical Drawing Association
Responsible of the agreements between universities of Salerno (Italy) and La Plata (Argentina) for R&D in graphics for heritage conservation and reverse engineering.
Director of R&D projects and responsible of the training of young researchers
Title of the présentation:
Design research: recent achievements and future challenges
Chris is Professor of Engineering Design at the University of Bristol, immediate Past-President of the international Design Society, and on the editorial boards of Research in Engineering Design, Journal of Design Research and Journal of Engineering Design. Chris's research interests are in engineering design, especially concerning the application of computers to the management of information and uncertainty in design, and to design automation.
He has carried out research and published widely in the knowledge and information management for complex long-lived engineering products and systems (especially in the context of product-service-systems), in information requirements of engineering designers and in systems to support their information organisation and access, in annotation in design (especially the semantic annotation of computer-aided design models), in risk and uncertainty management in design, in component durability and reliability, especially in the presence of residual stresses, and in eco-design and design for remanufacturing.
Title of the présentation:
Energy and Resource efficiency – drivers for new machine and product design
and advanced manufacturing approaches
Matthias Putz is a Professor of Integrated Manufacturing Processes and one of theDirectors of the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology in Chemnitz, Germany. By proxy he is appointed to the Chair of Machine Tools and Forming Technology of the Chemnitz Technical University. He is an associate member of CIRP and member of different scientific evaluator, program and conference boards. He owns extended international teaching experience related to different fields in production engineering. During the last decade his research and working topics had been dedicated to the field of Energy and Resource efficiency in Production Processes leading to new technology approaches as well as to advanced production and machine systems. He was the coordinator of the German large scale projects Green Carbody Technologies – InnoCaT, involving 30 subprojects and more than 60 partners from industry.
Gareth Lewis
Title of the présentation:
Engineering challenges for assembling large commercial aircraft
Gareth is the Head of Assembly Technology Authority in Engineering Structures at Airbus. In this role Gareth leads a trans-national team across the four main European countries of Airbus. The mission of the team is the development and deployment of materials and processes assembly technologies for mature industrial application. Included within the scope of this responsibility is structural hardware like bearings, rods and brackets and also structural fastening systems and their material allowables. Associated installation processes like drilling; cold expansion and torque/preload control are also included. The range of technical responsibilities extends from Research and Development through the design phase into manufacturing and for the in-service fleet.